Sun. Oct 27th, 2024
alert-–-huge-question-facing-‘weak’-anthony-albanese-over-marrickville-electorate-office-stand-off-–-as-we-reveal-how-much-you-are-paying-for-it-to-sit-emptyAlert – Huge question facing ‘weak’ Anthony Albanese over Marrickville electorate office stand-off – as we reveal how much YOU are paying for it to sit empty

Anthony Albanese’s failure to kick out protesters camped in front of his electorate office has been called out by radio host Ben Fordham – who suggested no other national leader would tolerate it.

Mr Albanese’s electorate office in Marrickville, in Sydney’s inner west, has been abandoned by the Prime Minister’s staff since January after a pro-Palestinian encampment took up residence out the front. 

The Opposition last night seized upon Daily Mail ‘s report that Mr Albanese had apologised to his staff as far back as last December about not being able to access the office – but seven months later nothing has been done. 

As senior Liberal and National MPs branded Mr Albanese ‘weak’, 2GB presenter Fordham added fuel to the fire – asking if the leaders of the US, UK, Russia or China  would tolerate access to their office being blocked by protesters for that long.

‘Do you reckon those leaders would all be sitting around saying, “I’ll just stay away from my office all year”?’ Fordham asked.

‘He’s given up the front of his office to the protesters, it hasn’t been operational all year, and that’s what it’s there for – we’re paying for it, we’re paying for that office to be there.’ 

Daily Mail can now be reveal that Mr Albanese’s electorate office cost an estimated $138,000 in 2023, which means taxpayers would have coughed up about $70,000 this year alone for a space that has not been used.

Fordham said residents need access to the office to raise local concerns, but those who have tried this year have either been turned away or given a phone number to call.

One listener asked how the PM could possibly defend the rights of all ns when he was unable to stand up for his own constituents.  

This week, a spokesperson to the Prime Minister admitted to Daily Mail that the ongoing blockade of his office was causing a ‘disruption for vulnerable ns seeking help’.

However, Mr Albanese was unwilling to break up the demonstration – despite the fact that protesters had broken the law by fixing signs to the taxpayer-funded electorate office and squatting within the boundaries of the property.

When Daily Mail enquired how such a situation could be allowed to happen, a spokesperson for the PM said ‘citizens in a democracy have a right to peaceful protest.’

The spokesperson refused to say why protesters outside the PM’s office were allowed to remain, even though attempts to do the same thing at Parliament House in Canberra last week resulted in serious action.

Forcibly removing protesters from his electorate office would be a fraught political matter for Mr Albanese, as most Labor voters – particularly the young who are at risk of switching to the Greens – support the Palestinian cause. 

Opposition Leader in the Senate, Simon Birmingham, told Daily Mail the PM needs to move on the protesters: ‘Anthony Albanese needs to act on the threat that Greens and extremists pose rather than acquiescing to them.’

‘Protests are rightly protected in a society of free speech but indefinite barricades and blockades are not.

‘The PM’s constituents deserve access to their local MP just like any other n. It’s time for Mr Albanese to stop seeking sympathy for closures of his office and to get authorities to act on these blockades.’

Liberal MP Ted O’Brien said Mr Albanese’s constituents – and employees – deserved better.

‘It’s true that the electorate office staff don’t deserve this and nor do the locals, but it’s also a sad indictment of the Prime Minister’s authority or lack thereof,’ he said.

‘To leave the situation unresolved for so long sends a message of weakness beyond the Prime Minister’s own electorate.

‘I stand with the people of Grayndler.’

Deputy Opposition Leader Sussan Ley said: ‘The targeting of electorate offices is completely unacceptable and we need stronger action to stamp it out for good. 

‘We stand ready to support stronger measures to stop these attacks so electorate offices can reopen to do their important work.

‘But it feels like this government has lost control on social cohesion, we are seeing real pressures boil over; our war memorials are being defaced, MPs are being targeted and our Parliament has been subject to unacceptable displays of hate and ignorance.’

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