The Universal Credit website is down leaving thousands unable to access crucial pages.
Both and HMRC have seen a spike in reported outages since 5am this morning, according to Downdetector.
People are reporting issues logging in and using the website as well as the app.
It comes after problems were also flagged yesterday evening at around 9pm for those trying to access HMRC.
Difficulties with the website were reported around the same time.
Universal Credit is a benefit payment to help with living costs normally paid monthly.
Recent tallies show the number of people claiming it exceeded 6.4million in England, Scotland and Wales, with nearly 40 per cent of recipients having jobs.
As of 9am today, a majority of reported issues was with login – standing at 57 per cent.
Issues with the website came in second at 37 per cent, while 6 per cent of issues flagged related to accessing the app.
A number of people have taken to social media to express their disappointment with the service.
One person said: ‘Trying to check NI records. HMRC website saying service unavailable.’
Another stated: ‘HMRC website now looks like it’s crashed!!’