Tue. Feb 25th, 2025
alert-–-top-psychologist:-secret-power-of-trump’s-handshake-and-how-to-bail-out-of-‘death-clasp’-without-looking-weakAlert – Top psychologist: Secret power of Trump’s handshake and how to bail out of ‘death clasp’ without looking weak

President Donald Trump’s ‘death clasp’ handshake became a talking point once again this week after an awkward encounter with French President Emmanuel Macron.

Dr Claudia Diez, a professor of psychology in New York, told DailyMail.com that someone with such a ‘predatory’ handshake does so to show power and control. 

She explains: ‘The predator signals he is in control by determining distance of the arm (bring in, push forward) and length of the shake, which the pray cannot consent nor exert control off.’

As Trump greeted Macron outside the West Wing of the White House on Monday, his handshake continued, with Macron seemingly trying to pull away before awkwardly relinquishing control. 

The receiver of the handshake, Macron – who Dr Diez refers to as the ‘prey’ – took a ‘seemingly joyful yet non-offensive freeze response’. 

New York-based body language expert Tonya Reiman told this website that she calls the handshake that she saw on Monday the ‘Trump Pump,’ where Trump ‘grips tight, shakes forcefully and pull someone towards him is done in an attempt to take an individual off guard and allow Trump to have the upper hand’. 

Like Dr Diez, she says ‘the purpose is to assert dominance and power quickly through a physical gesture’. For those who encounter the Trump Dump, Ms Reiman has some tips for navigating it successfully without being rude.

President Donald Trump (left) continues to hold onto the hand of French President Emmanuel Macron (right) as they posed for photos outside the West Wing on Monday

President Donald Trump (left) continues to hold onto the hand of French President Emmanuel Macron (right) as they posed for photos outside the West Wing on Monday

Body language expert Judi James referred to Trump's handshake style as a 'death clasp' and Dr Diez says this method shows the 'predator is in fight mode'

Body language expert Judi James referred to Trump’s handshake style as a ‘death clasp’ and Dr Diez says this method shows the ‘predator is in fight mode’ 

She says this can be done by ‘using subtle body language cues to reclaim your space while maintaining professionalism and respect’. 

First up, she says it is important to ‘neutralize the dominance by slightly stepping to the left so the power player has to adjust his or her body’. 

Next, she recommends adjusting your palm subtly and ‘turning the grip back into a vertical position’ while you are shaking to even out the power dynamic. 

Finally, if necessary, she suggests matching their grip without being too aggressive. 

And if an individual attempts to pull you in towards them, Ms Reiman advises ‘bracing your elbows against your body to keep physical leverage’.

Body language expert Patti Wood, who is based out of Georgia, told DailyMail.com that she has been observing Trump's handshaking style for years. 

But she reveals that, for a long time, he refused to partake in handshakes at all. 

She says: 'For decades, Trump refused to shake hands supposedly because of a fear of germs and the knowledge that when you refuse to shake hands, you appear to have the upper hand.

'This then puts the other person off balance and does not let them have an easy rapport with you.

'His PR team advised him to start shaking hands when he ran for president the first time. 

Dr Claudia Diez is a professor at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai in New York

Dr Claudia Diez is a professor at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai in New York

'Still, I have been reading his handshake ever since then, and his baseline or customary handshake is often the not let go handshake to establish power and dominance.'

By employing his 'death clasp,' Ms Wood says he makes his position clear with other world leaders. 

Along with a prolonged and strong grip, she says one of his other techniques she has observed is an 'odd grab and upward movement handshake, trying to pull the other person towards him'.

Ms Reiman is doubtful that Trump was formally taught this handshaking technique of 'unspoken dominance' and she imagines that it is a personal method he has refined in private and 'now he employs it during the majority of his interactions'.

Body language expert Patti Wood's top tips for the perfect handshake 

• Face the person heart-to-heart. When you stand at an angle and don't face the person squarely, you are sending the symbolic message that you are not being straight and open. You may look as if you need to protect yourself, you do not like the other person or you feel the need to reduce the intimacy or the duration of the interaction.

• If you have a problem with clammy hands, don't forget to wipe them on your handkerchief or tissue before you shake hands. And at social functions, carry any iced drinks in your left hand, so your right will not be cold and damp when a handshake is called for.

• Strike out your right hand and arm across your body to your right. The forcefulness and confidence of the move lets the other person know you not only want to shake hands, you look forward to it.

• Make sure the arm goes fully outward as an arm held closely to the body indicates timidity and lack of confidence.

• To get a good grip and make sure you have don't get or give a weak wimpy partial handshake. Make sure your thumb is out and the rest of your finger are fully flat and rest together. Then here is a trick. Scoop in. Tilt your fingers down and scoop up into the other persons hand so your first point of contact is the web where your thumb meets your forefinger. Then make sure your palm makes full contact with theirs. The scoop insures you a full confident handshake every time.

• Make sure you make palm-to-palm contact. Open palms symbolically show a desire to be open and honest in your interactions; not giving a person contact with your palm in a handshake is read subliminally as a lack of openness and honesty. It's why we hate a wimpy handshake. It makes the other person nervous and he or she may wonder what you are hiding.

• Once full contact is made the pressure should be equal or at the most slightly more than the pressure you are given. Never grip the other's hand in a contest of macho handshaking to see who can hold the hardest or longest. You want to have a firm handshake but the rule is to match the pressure or add no more than two steps in pressure.

• A good handshakes should be accompanied by an 'eyebrow flash'… raising up of the eyebrows for less than one second - and a slight smile. It sends a message that I acknowledge you, and I like you.

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