Sat. Mar 15th, 2025
alert-–-sydney’s-elite-‘single-mum-club’-go-nuclear-over-snarky-article-about-their-family-photos.-now-they’re-hunting-for-the-snitch…Alert – Sydney’s elite ‘single mum club’ go nuclear over snarky article about their family photos. Now they’re hunting for the snitch…

The glamorous mums of Sydney’s eastern suburbs have put their differences aside to wage war on a common enemy.

Double Bay Today.

The satirical fake news website, known as ‘Betoota of the east’, recently posted two stories targeting mothers who post flattering photos on Instagram with their sons.

The articles suggested the real purpose of these family photos was to show off the mums’ Pilates-honed physiques and flawless, freshly Botox’d complexions.

One of the most buzzy WhatsApp groups among Sydney’s ‘in’ crowd was blowing up this week over the two stories, which were slammed as mean and sexist.

As the outrage grows, several elite mums have vowed to expose the ‘snitch’ who tipped off Double Bay Today’s editors to the trend.

The satirical website Double Bay Today has annoyed mothers in Sydney's east by publishing two articles mocking mums who pose for glam photos with their sons. The article seems to be inspired by the likes of Pip Edwards, seen here with her son Justice before his Year 12 formal

The satirical website Double Bay Today has annoyed mothers in Sydney’s east by publishing two articles mocking mums who pose for glam photos with their sons. The article seems to be inspired by the likes of Pip Edwards, seen here with her son Justice before his Year 12 formal

Daily Mail has seen screenshots of the group chat in which one disgruntled mother raged: ‘It’s just another double standard.

‘Women are expected to bounce back, look great, run a household, and then when we actually do look half-decent, we get torn down for it?

‘Where’s the outrage at golf dads posting their kids on the green with a ‘mini me’ caption?’

Another frustrated mum replied: ‘Just because a mum can afford Botox and takes a nice photo with her child, suddenly she’s an ‘Instagram mum’? 

‘What are we meant to do, take photos looking exhausted in activewear covered in mashed-up breakfast? This is just another example of women being criticised for existing.’

A third added: ‘Oh, please! If a dad posts a cute pic with his kid, he’s ‘father of the year.’ If a mum does it, she’s a narcissist using her child for likes? Give me a break.

‘Most of us are too busy bribing our toddlers to get out of the car to be offended, but if someone wants to come for the ‘hot mums’, at least tag us so we get the engagement boost.’

A fourth angry mum wrote: ‘Yes, we live in a world where a candid photo is rarely actually candid. Who cares? 

This article by Double Bay Today, featuring the AI-generated image of fictional socialite Valerie McDonald-Henry, told of a woman who made her son's 21st birthday all about herself

This article by Double Bay Today, featuring the AI-generated image of fictional socialite Valerie McDonald-Henry, told of a woman who made her son’s 21st birthday all about herself

The parody website has done several stories about eastern suburbs mothers 'hijacking' their kids' special moments. Daily Mail  understands several mums feel personally attacked

The parody website has done several stories about eastern suburbs mothers ‘hijacking’ their kids’ special moments. Daily Mail understands several mums feel personally attacked

Socialite Dina Broadhurst (left) wore a tight-fitting black dress to her son's Year 12 formal

Socialite Dina Broadhurst (left) wore a tight-fitting black dress to her son’s Year 12 formal

Cosmetics guru Alex Pike is known for looking flawless when she poses with her sons

Cosmetics guru Alex Pike is known for looking flawless when she poses with her sons 

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‘The same could be said for the [person] that runs that ridiculous page [Double Bay Today]. My toddler is my greatest accessory, and I will pose accordingly. The algorithm demands it!’

‘Honestly, Double Bay Today is just giving us free PR at this point,’ another said.

‘If they want to call us out for having good lighting and well-dressed children, they can knock themselves out. I’d be more offended if they didn’t think I was hot enough to target!’

One of the fake news stories by Double Bay Today concerned 39-year-old Nicki Webb (not a real person) who posted a photo from her son’s first day of school just to ‘show off her forehead’ after getting Botox.

The humourous article continues, quoting a ‘witness’: ‘Her son looked confused about why it was taking so long.’ 

In the comments section, one angry follower failed to see the funny side, writing: ‘This is so pathetic! Most mums would get a photo with their kids on the first day of school. Half of them have Botox! Who cares? Shame on you whoever reported this.’

Another piece by Double Bay Today highlighted the actions of fictional socialite Valerie McDonald-Henry, who was ‘accused of hijacking her son’s 21st birthday party, by relentlessly posting photos of herself’.

Several comments suggested the article was a reference to Pip Edwards, who is known for posting glamour shots with her teenage son Justice Single.

Daily Mail has contacted the editor of Double Bay Today for comment. 

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