Disgusting video shows an employee at a Chicago Subway sandwich shop take his grimy bare feet, which are clearly smudged with dirt, and place them on top of the counter while munching on deli meat.
Customers were waiting to order at the restaurant on Ohio Street while a man in tan pants and green shirt sits on the food prep counter with his nauseating toes caked in muck on full display.
In the video posted on TikTok, the shoeless man piled layers of sliced meat on the counter as other employees, apparently unfazed, continue to work around him.
One woman with long dark hair wearing stripped shorts and blue tank top asked, ‘Is that sanitary?’
The employees seemed to brush off her questions and continue on with their sandwich making.

Customers were waiting to order at a Chicago Subway while a man in tan pants and green shirt sat on the food prep counter with dirt caked on his feet
‘They did NOT see an issue with it when we brought it to their attention,’ the video is captioned. ‘Never eating at Subway again.’
Commenters were quick to say how disturbed they were by the sight and the actions of the people in the store.
‘How the f**k are people still ordering while seeing that. So effin disgusting, id call and report it to [Better Business Bureau],’ said one person.
‘Nah f**k that. The health department needs to see this and why are people buying at that time too I’d run out,’ said another.
‘How come nobody says anything? People are more ignorant for just watching not saying c**p,’ said a third.
Other people were confused as to why people seemed to still be waiting to order after seeing the man.
‘The question here is why there’s people still ordering,’ said one person.

One customer (right) asked the other employees if this was sanitary, but they seemed unphased by his presence

Commenters weighed in on how disgusted they are by the man’s action and what kind of sandwich he was making
‘That fact people are still in line waiting to get a sandwich is crazy in it self,’ a second commenter said.
‘That’s mad dirty! I wouldn’t even order nothing. Why are they still there trying order,’ said another.
Some people were shocked at the sight of the man’s feet and others were appalled by the sandwich he was making.
‘Those feet are filthy,’ one person said.
‘Hope he has fun because that’s going to be an expensive sandwich,’ said another.