A shocking video shows the horrific moment a beautician plunged 170ft to her death while taking a photograph of a man from a clifftop panoramic viewing platform overlooking the Black Sea.
Earlier it was reported Russian beautician Inessa Polenko, 39, tragically fell to the beach below while taking a selfie.
In fact, the footage indicates she was taking a photograph of a man against the background of a spectacular sea view.
She stepped backwards and lost her footing, causing her to fall over the edge with no barriers to save her.
The horrified man – not named by police – rushed towards her, but it was too late.

New video footage has captured the moment Russian beautician Inessa Polenko, 39, tragically fell to the beach below while taking a selfie from a panoramic clifftop viewing point

Seconds after the tragedy, the man she was taking a photograph of approaches the edge of the platform before shouting out for help

Earlier reports suggested Inessa had tragically fallen to the beach below while taking a selfie

New footage reveals Inessa stepped backwards and lost her footing, causing her to fall over the edge with no barriers to save her
People are seen in the video emerging seconds later running towards her motionless body on the seashore 170ft below.
She was rushed to hospital in scenic Abkhazia, a breakaway region of Georgia now under Russia’s sway.
Reports said doctors fought for her life but she died in intensive care the same day.
Her funeral took place on Tuesday.
The video shows the tragic woman – a keen Instagrammer with 9,000 followers – was not on the official viewing platform, which has safety railings, at the Gagry viewing point.
Instead she was on a structure from a disused building construction adjacent to the viewing platform, which juts out over the cliff edge, and has become an unofficial vantage point for photo-enthusiasts.
Many have risked their lives taking pictures here despite the appalling danger.
Commenter Amirkhan Karikh posted: ‘How much talk there has been about this place. So many warnings.
‘Useless. Fifteen years ago, a woman also almost fell, she was lucky.
‘This building has been around since Soviet times. It needs to be dismantled.’
Another Irina Shahova explained: ‘This is a protruding beam, something that has been unfinished for a long time.
‘It is fenced off, and there is a sign that going onto it is prohibited.
‘It is dangerous to life.
‘But people climb over the fence to take a beautiful photo over the cliff and risk their lives!
‘It’s high up there and your head can start spinning…
‘The poor woman has stumbled…You just don’t need to climb where you don’t need to climb.’
Inessa had posted pictures from Dubai, Egypt and Russian-occupied Crimea, legally part of Ukraine.

People are seen in the video emerging seconds after the tragic accident running towards Inessa’s motionless body on the seashore 170ft below

Inessa had recently posted pictures from her travels, including to Dubai, Egypt and Russian-occupied Crimea, legally part of Ukraine

An investigation is underway in Abkhazia, a breakaway region of Georgia, into the circumstances of her death
The popular beautician had clients mainly in Moscow and major Russian resort Sochi, where she lived.
An investigation is underway in the breakaway region into the circumstances of her death.