A Pennsylvania child went thought a heartbreaking physical transformation before she died after months of torture by her father and stepmom, according to officials.
Malinda Hoagland, 12, was found ‘barely alive’ by police on May 4 after her father Rendall Hoagland called 911 claiming she had crashed her bicycle on a tree.
The girl, who weighed just 50 pounds, died just hours after arriving at the hospital, where officials were shocked by her condition, which included heavy bruising, half a dozen broken bones and liver damage.
Hoagland, 52, and his fiancé Cindy Warren, 45, were charged in connection to her death two days later.
DailyMail.com reviewed the couple’s social media and can reveal that Malinda disappeared from her dad’s Facebook in early January, while the couple continued posting images of Warren’s nine-year-old Gavin, who police say was not abused.

Malinda was found after Hoagland called 911 claiming his daughter hit a tree while riding her bicycle and lost consciousness

In the last images her dad posted, Malinda looks gaunt as she shows off what appear to be Christmas gifts. In one image, her hand appears bruised
In the last images Rendall posted of the girl, she looks gaunt as she shows off what appear to be Christmas gifts. In one image, her hand appears bruised.
Over the last weeks, Hoagland posted images with Gavin at the movies, a car racing event and with the Cub Scouts.
Hoagland wrote on March 16: ‘Gavin had a great day today at Cub Scouts. Took first place for the Bear Den level. He couldn’t be more excited and proud. Congratulations buddy.’
Warren almost exclusively posted images of Gavin on Facebook, and only once shared an image of Malinda – in December of 2020.
She previously pleaded guilty in 2009 to allowing her ex-husband to beat their son Isaiah, who was three at the time and was sentenced to seven years in prison.

Rendell Hoagland, 52, and his fiancé Cindy Warren, 45, were charged in the death of his daughter Malinda after officials found her with multiple broken bones and ‘barely alive’

Hoagland used to often post about his daughter, but completely stopped in January

However, Hoagland continued posting images with Wilson’s nine-year-old Gavin, who police say was not abused

Malinda and Gavin are seen above in a picture shared by her father in 2020
Her ex-husband McKinley Warren Jr. is serving 25 to 50 years for abusing the boy and also for killing his two-year-old daughter from a previous relationship.
Warren was the girl’s stepmother, as reported by Pocono Record.
Police say Malinda was taken out of school in December and often kept shackled to furniture in the basement.
Officials said the girl had been showing up on camera for online classes, but was shackled below, away from the camera’s view.
Deleted videos recovered from the couple’s electronic devices allegedly show the extent of the abuse the girl suffered.
Some of the videos, from the home’s camera system, showed that Malinda was ankle-cuffed to furniture and verbally berated by the couple through that in-camera speaker system.

Both are each charged with attempted criminal homicide, assault, and kidnapping among other charges. Investigators say additional charges including murder are possible

Hoagland and Warren were avid Facebook users and until last year shared images of the Malinda as well as another young boy named Gavin

Warren almost exclusively posted images of Gavin on Facebook, and only once shared an image of Malinda – in December of 2020
Other videos reportedly show Malinda forced to sleep on the floor, while chained, with no pillow or blankets and being told not to expect breakfast, lunch or dinner.
The couple also allegedly deleted their texts before calling 911, but recovered messages showed them discussing the girl’s worsening condition.
In one exchange mentioned in the affidavit, Warren tells Hoagland to ‘run’ Malinda to the hospital instead of calling 911.
Both are each charged with attempted criminal homicide, assault, and kidnapping among other charges. Investigators say additional charges including murder are possible.

The last images he shared of Malinda was posted on January 5, as she appeared to be opening Christmas presents with Gavin

The home where Malinda was allegedly tortured for months is pictured above
They are being held on $1 million cash bail.
When asked about Malinda’s injuries, the couple reportedly claimed they were from the bike accident and from getting accidentally struck by another child on a water slide.
When asked about her emaciation, they claimed she had been steadily losing weight for months and were planning on taking her to a doctor over it.