This the horrific moment a woman flew into a jealous rage and poured a pot of boiling water on her 14-year-old niece at their home in Brazil.
The girl, whose name has been withheld because she is a minor, could be seen sitting on the floor when her 42-year-old aunt approached her from behind and dumped hot water on Thursday at the family home in the midwestern city of Brasilia, the country’s capital.
The woman, whose name has not been released, then hit her niece over the head with the pot and punched and slapped her before the video came to an end.
Separate footage showed the teenager sitting on a bed while her aunt accused of her having sex with her husband.

Cops in Brasilia, Brazil are searching for a 42-year-old woman who was seen on video dumping boiling water over her 14-year-old niece at her home on Thursday. The child suffered burns to 13 percent of her chest and back

The teenager along with her brother had been living with her aunt in Brasilia for almost a year, according to her mother, who said she moved the children because she did not want them getting in trouble in Nova Xavantina
The woman then kicked the girl out of her residence and took her to the home of relatives in the town of Cidade Oeste.
She declined to seek medical assistance for the girl, who suffered burns to 13 percent of the front and back of her body, the teenager’s cousin told TV Globo.
The teenager initially refused medical treatment and was later taken to Asa Norte Regional Hospital in the evening.
‘They didn’t want to take her to the hospital, they said she shouldn’t take her,’ the cousin said. ‘She’s not eating properly, she’s not talking either. She wants to keep quiet.’
The child was still hospitalized in the ICU and in stable condition as of Friday.
Her aunt remained on the run as of Friday, according to the Civil Police.

The teenager was still hospitalized as of Friday, her family said. She suffered burns to her back and chest

The woman set up a cell phone to record the moment she burned her 14-year-old niece with hot water and then assaulted her because she allegedly had slept with her husband
The girl’s mother, whose name is being withheld for security reasons, told TV Globo that she sent her daughter and 16-year-old son to live with her aunt because she wanted to keep them out of trouble in their home city of Nova Xavantina.
‘I trusted her and she almost took my daughter’s life,’ she said.
‘It seems like I did the wrong thing, because I ended up sending my daughter to the wolf’s den … She’s been through so many things, so many traumas, and already carries such traumatic baggage.’