It’s the Ides of March, a date traditionally associated with the violent end of a Roman emperor.
And in the aftermath of yesterday’s alignments, be prepared for vigorous discussions about what needs to change and who needs to change it.
This weekend’s positive astrological climate suggests that when it comes to directing the way forwards, it’s time to be inspired and lead by example.
March 21 – April 20
Since energy can’t be created or destroyed, it’s impossible to make something out of nothing. But that doesn’t mean we can’t make something significant out of not much. But we seem to find it easier to do it with life’s negatives. Yet just easily as we can blow minor differences out of perspective, we can fan glimmers of hope into fires of enthusiasm. This weekend, be on the lookout for subtle signals pointing to an opportunity. If you follow them, they’ll show you the way to transform an uninspiring aspect of your world.
For advice to guide you through the twists and turns ahead, see your in-depth forecasts at

OSCAR CAINER: It’s the Ides of March, a date traditionally associated with the violent end of a Roman emperor
April 21 – May 21
You’re investing more of your time and patience into someone than you’d like. But you need their cooperation. That’s why you’re overriding your desire to walk away/move on. So, the good news is that this weekend brings a chance to regain perspective; it will enable you to recalibrate your frustration levels, and let go of a need to prove a point. That doesn’t mean you’ll lose your motivation. You’ll just be better equipped to deal with any challenges, and make collaborative decisions that move this situation towards success.
How can you stay focused and happy? Your in-depth forecasts hold the advice you need.
May 22 – June 22
When all kinds of things become possible, it’s kind of scary. Instead of being able to sit around, wishing things were different, we have to take action. You’ve been frustrated by an obstacle that’s prevented you from moving on and fulfilling a dream. Now that it’s disappearing, there’s nothing to stop you from forging forwards. Yes, there are hurdles to jump. But in your heart, you know you’ve dealt with the biggest one. This weekend brings the confidence to make a positive move that you’ve been longing to make. At last.
For excellent advice to guide you through the twists and turns ahead.
June 23 – July 23
When we think about people leading a peaceful life, we tend to picture someone living off-grid, far away from modern-day pressures. Yet even reclusive monks have to deal with conflict and challenge. Part of the human experience involves wrestling with ourselves. So it’s no wonder we struggle to live peacefully with other people! The weekend brings an experience that brings better understanding of yourself. This valuable self-discovery will help you find a sense of peace that will benefit you, and those around you.
There’s no need to worry. All you need is some guidance. Your in-depth forecasts can help at
July 24 – August 23
The connections running between us and other people on planet Earth are more complex than we think. We appreciate our close ties with our friends and family. And we’re aware of the value of the links between us and our colleagues/workmates. We also have a bond with people we don’t know, who share our interests and passions. This weekend you discover that one of your connections is more important you think. A conversation, which you could easily dismiss as superficial, could bring valuable support. Listen carefully.
What does your heart desire and how can you achieve what you really want? See your in-depth forecasts at
August 24 – September 23
Just because you’re struggling to achieve something that’s not naturally unfolding, should you reconsider your plans? Little in life comes easily. It might not take much effort for us to buy our food, but behind the scenes, from the suppliers to the supermarket, a huge amount of effort has been invested. In your relationship world, unless you’re prepared to make the effort to instigate a change, you’re going to be waiting for a while. So take advantage of the opportunities this weekend brings. If you put the work in, you’ll get a result.
Curious to know more? There’s always valuable news in your in-depth forecasts at
September 24 – October 23
You’re smart. You’re gifted with natural talents. But does that mean you’re destined for success? Knowing that you possess certain qualities, can you afford to sit back and expect love and contentment to make their way into your world? And if not, what’s the point of having those attributes? Yet we can turn this argument around and wonder how it would be to have financial and emotional security but no appreciation. This weekend, rather than thinking about what you haven’t got, focus on what you have got. There’s lots to like.
Success is about attitude and timing. Your in-depth forecasts show the way to positive change. Visit
October 24 – November 22
When we find ourselves in a new situation, we can’t always see the problems it contains. It seems perfect – but as time goes on, we become aware of its drawbacks. Conversely, some developments look impossibly difficult, but we come to appreciate their hidden qualities. To make it even more confusing, some scenarios turn out to be exactly what they seem. Stay open-minded this weekend. The more you’re prepared to embrace whatever comes your way (even if it seems problematic), the more you’ll enjoy yourself.
You’ve got lots to look forward to. The inspiration you need is in your in-depth forecasts at
November 23 – December 21
We imbue other people with the qualities we possess. But we do it with our more negative behaviours too. So, people who accuse someone of having a hidden agenda are the ones most capable of deception. And some of these individuals know that attack is the best form of defence. Where there’s a suspicion of mistrust in your world, look at the person who’s expressing concern. They might have an unconscious hidden agenda. And if you can identify it, you’ll be able to help them change their views. And that will help you too.
Knowledge is power. Find out how to take full advantage of your astrological assets at

This weekend’s positive astrological climate suggests that when it comes to directing the way forwards, it’s time to be inspired and lead by example
December 22 – January 20
We find you at the heart of the action. You’re on the frontline, with everything resting on your shoulders. Well… that’s how it feels. No wonder you’re concerned about the weight of responsibility. Are you the right person for the task? Have you got the right qualifications? This is a delicate situation, and you’re not sure you’ve got the skills you need. The good news, is that you don’t have to complete this mission alone. The cosmic equivalent of the cavalry is heading your way. If you accept support, you’ll ace this.
What’s in the sky for you? Helpful planetary alignments! For good news, see your in-depth forecasts at
January 21 – February 19
The legacy of your ruler’s link to Mars (which continues to power through your sign) has amplified the sense of restless energy you’re dealing with. You need to work out whether you’re pursuing something that’s worth pursuing; or whether you need to change tack and head off in another direction. But you must do something. This weekend, try throwing yourself completely into whatever you’re trying to achieve. If you believe in yourself and your vision, you’ll be able to instigate change. It might surprise you, but it will be good.
Make the most of your opportunities. Your in-depth forecast have inspiring news at
February 20 – March 20
As we near the end of your birthday season, not only are you a year older, you’re a year wiser. And although you can take steps to moderate the effects of the ageing process, you can’t do much to stop gaining wisdom. It’s a side-effect of life on planet Earth. Once you’ve learned something valuable, you can’t unlearn it. You’re in the process of discovering the value of a recent discovery. You persevered, despite difficult odds and, even though you might not have achieved what you wanted, what you’ve gained is priceless.
Transform your life! To move forwards in a positive direction, there’s good news when you visit