Thu. Oct 17th, 2024
alert-–-the-moment-neighbour-‘fakes’-being-run-over-in-bitter-six-year-feud-sparked-by-row-over-shared-drivewayAlert – The moment neighbour ‘fakes’ being run over in bitter six-year feud sparked by row over shared driveway

This is the moment a woman allegedly staged an accident to make it look like her boyfriend had been run over by her neighbour amid a six-year feud over parking.

Juliet Fox, 53, was charged with harassment after claims she asked her partner to help provide ‘corrupt evidence’ to her local housing association during a dispute with neighbour Malverton White.

Footage shows Daniel Milt lying on the floor and screaming ‘I have been run over’ moments after he allegedly walked behind Mr White’s Mercedes convertible as he was reversing into a parking space.

Police officers called to the scene on their cul-de-sac in Lockfield, Runcorn, concluded the incident was faked by Ms Fox after they were shown a clip from her Ring doorbell camera which revealed Mr Milt ‘overacting’.

Ms Fox herself was seen running an out of her house, shouting: ‘Oh my God, what have you done? Are you joking?’ as her boyfriend lay on the floor pleading for an ambulance.

As the scene unfolded Mr White, 57, filmed the couple while giving a commentary in which he accused them of ‘playing the fool’.

Ms Fox subsequently sent ‘edited’ footage of the incident to Halton Housing – which lets out the properties – in an alleged attempt to smear Mr White.

Details of the bizarre case emerged at Warrington Magistrates’ Court, where JPs acquitted Ms Fox of harassment and dismissed the feud as ‘six of one half a dozen of the other’.

Her boyfriend was not charged with any offence.

When asked about the ‘staged accident’, Mr White said he had been reversing his car out to get his mobility scooter when the vehicle was involved in a collision with Ms Fox’s boyfriend.

Giving her account of what happened, Ms Fox told the court: ‘I could hear screams, and I literally thought he had been stabbed, as we have had this much fighting.

‘I ran out. I was in a bit of shock. I remember thinking, there was no blood. Why such a big scream? Has he injured something? He said ”Call an ambulance.” About two or three times he said ”Call an ambulance”. So I ran in.’

When shown the footage in court, Ms Fox added: ‘My partner does look ridiculous falling and when the police left, I said ”It is overacting”.

‘But he said ”Jules, it was my knee. I would not lie. Do you think I would waste their time and my own? I have got better things to do”.

‘I think it’s important to know in every incident it has not been me at his door, I have not gone to his front door, if there’s a row. He had this fixation on us. I have not harassed this man.

‘We work too many hours. I am diligent, I get my work done, properly, even if going in going to the toilet for five minutes I worry Teams might be calling. I am not going to be spending time playing games.’

Neighbourhood PC Jessica Wilkinson said a total of 11 incidents were reported to police involving the neighbours between April 24, 2022, and November 25, 2023.

Describing the incident on November 25, she said: ‘I was made aware of an incident due to a 999 call from Miss Fox stating her partner had been run over.

‘On arriving at the scene, it was immediately noted that there was no serious collision or seriously injured parties.

‘Ms Fox gave me the mobile phone to view the footage and I watched Mr White drive out of the car parking space. Ms Fox’s partner goes directly behind him with hands and arms crossed to prevent him reversing back.

‘He appears to make very little contact. It shows he makes a very theatrical fall and shouts. Ms Fox can be seen walking straight out asking what had happened. It is completely staged.

‘By Ms Fox sending the edited footage it comes across as calculated and manipulating the situation to make it something more than it is.

‘She was spoken to, and strong words were given to them both about making false reports to police and calling for an ambulance when there is no emergency.

‘I expressed my opinion that both parties were trying to cause issues, but she did not like that. She started shouting and screaming and asked that I did not return to the address again.

‘In my professional opinion both Mr White and Ms Fox cannot live in harmony with each other.

‘There are constant calls to police creating a high demand on the police force. Ultimately, to resolve the issues one party needs to be relocated.’

The neighbours had been loggerheads since 2018, with Mr White accusing Ms Fox of blocking him in on their shared driveway, and Ms Fox claiming he has been repeatedly abusive to her.

In one instance, Ms Fox was accused of deliberately blocking Mr White’s Mercedes with her Peugeot sports car for six minutes whilst she spoke to a Tesco delivery driver.

Another time, she was also said to have lifted paving slabs in the communal area, preventing her neighbour from accessing it on his mobility scooter.

Police tried to persuade the pair to come to a truce but eventually compiled a neighbourhood dispute report recommending one of them be ‘relocated’ due to the fact the pair would never ‘live in harmony’.

Ms Fox, who works as a documents manager for a highways company, moved to another property five miles away after housing association bosses tried to evict her.

Mr White said the dispute had been ‘constant’, adding: ‘It is just her continuing to cause problems.

‘She continued this for years. Every day we have tried to just be normal she just keeps feeding the situation.’

In one encounter, Mr White filmed himself giving a running commentary in his car as Ms Fox’s white Peugeot RCZ appeared to be waiting for him to exit so she could park in his space.

She then got out of her car to speak to a Tesco delivery driver while her boyfriend filmed Mr White in his car. A neighbour eventually intervened after a six-minute stand-off.

In his commentary, Mr White – a former HGV driver – says: ‘I am trying to go but you can see she is engaged in reverse. I am stuck here now because they won’t move the car. I am just trying to move forward.

‘What she was saying to the Tesco driver, she wanted his number whatever footage he had. I would say she tried to get him on side. This is a person that assaulted me.’

‘This is a person who has been causing me most stress due to hate crime. All she has to do is move forward.’

Mr White also claimed that Ms Fox extended a garden area outside her property which hindered his access to the communal gate.

One time, he said he had gone out in his scooter via the back gate – leaving it unlocked – only to return and find it had been bolted and locked from the inside.

Mr White also showed photos showing Ms Fox’s car parked diagonally across two places, stopping him parking in the bay.

The court heard Ms Fox accepted a police caution in 2021 for assault after a dust-up with Mr White on the driveway.

She said she and her boyfriend took mobile phone footage to ‘protect themselves’ and said of Mr White: ‘He is being awkward with us.

‘He has visited us, shouting at the camera, swear words, and expletives. At no time have I been to his front door but is at our front door.’

She denied extending her driveway and said gravel she had put down had replaced several bushes.

She insisted she had parked in her space for eight years until Mr White started parking in the same spot from November of last year.

She produced a video clip showing Mr White walking unaided to his front door but pointing to her Ring doorbell camera and giving two fingered salutes.

Throwing out the case JP Michael Danaher said: ‘PC Wilkinson tried to do her job to the best of her ability but some of the parties tried to engage with a more senior officer.

‘Effectively, it was six of one and half a dozen of the other. Some of it was very childish.”

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