Sat. Oct 5th, 2024
alert-–-everything-that-will-happen-in-the-soaps-next-week:-27-spoilers-from-coronation-street,-eastenders-and-emmerdale…-including-a-new-setback-for-roy-and-lydia’s-suspicionsAlert – EVERYTHING that will happen in the soaps next week: 27 spoilers from Coronation Street, EastEnders and Emmerdale… including a new setback for Roy and Lydia’s suspicions

Calling all soap fans! If you want to know what’s going on in Britain’s biggest soaps before it happens, look no further.

Our new guide gives you a sneak peek at all the hottest plots from episodes of Coronation Street, EastEnders and Emmerdale that are being shown this week.

In Corrie, Roy collapses and is rushed to hospital, Stevie looks like he’s on his way out of EastEnders and Matty’s in terrible danger in prison in Emmerdale.

A word of warning… this is the ultimate guide to next week’s shows and is full of spoilers including pictures and storylines. Enjoy!


Roy collapses, Gary gets a grilling and Leanne’s delighted by a potential new recruit to The Institute… It’s all in our sneak peek at next week’s Coronation Street

1. New danger for Roy

After Shona pretends to be ill to force Roy to work in the café, her concerned boss decides to take her some home-made soup. However, on the way, Roy is confronted by a gang of yobs. As the gang shout insults at him, Roy finds himself overcome and stumbles, falling to the floor, as the youths look on and laugh.

2. Maria catches out Gary and Sarah

Maria is stunned to learn that Liam’s bully Mason is to be released from prison. She heads to the police station but gets more than she bargained for when she arrives. Sarah and Gary have been questioned about the hush money Sarah paid Nathan after his attack. As Gary leaves, he runs straight into Maria, who demands to know what he’s doing there. Will Gary confess the whole story over what happened with Nathan?

3. Carla to the rescue

Carla spots Roy with the yobs and sends them packing. It’s clear that Roy’s in pain, but he tries to cover as he heads back to the café. Later at the factory, Carla is in no mood to listen when Betsy suggests she could be employed full-time. Carla gives her short shrift, leaving Betsy smarting.

4. Roy floored by new setback!

Shona admits to Evelyn that she was never ill, and she only pretended to get Roy out of the flat and back in the café. Evelyn sends her home and when Shona later tells Nina what happened, they’re shocked to see an ambulance come around the corner. They’re left horrified when they rush into the café and see Roy on the floor receiving CPR from the paramedics.

5. Leanne takes Toyah on the inside

With Toyah just out of hospital, Leanne offers to stay at home and look after her. Rowan calls and asks Leanne to help out at an Institute taster session and to her surprise, Toyah offers to go with her. When they arrive at the hotel, Leanne is delighted to see Amy there. Is there about to be a new Street recruit to the organisation?

6. Roy’s mystery visitor 

At the hospital, a figure appears at recovering Roy’s bedside. As Roy drifts in and out of consciousness, the visitor stays for a time before disappearing. Later, Roy tells Nina about his visitor, but she thinks he must be hallucinating. But who does Roy think has been at his bedside?

7. PC Tinker’s troubles

Craig confesses to Beth that he’s worried he’s made an enemy of Kit and explains to her what happened with Gemma over the shoplifting incident. But does Craig really have anything to fear from the dodgy cop? 



Billy gets a bombshell, Stevie prepares to quit and Tommy’s caught stealing… they’re all in our look ahead at the plots from next week’s EastEnders

1. Mitchell secret rocks the party

Billy throws a birthday party for Stevie at the Vic. With Stevie and Billy’s mum Val sharing the same birthday, Billy’s thoughts soon turn to her. But with no idea where Val is now, Billy makes a speech and wishes her well, wherever she may be. However, there’s a shock after Phil digs up some info and confronts Stevie who admits the truth to Billy – that his mum is dead. Soon, Stevie shares the tragic story of Val’s death with a reeling Billy.

2. Yolande connects with Denzel

Denzel avoids school and goes to the gym instead but is worried when he starts experiencing pains. Howie turns to Yolande for help when he struggles to get through to his son. However, when Yolande teams up with Amy, Denzel accuses them of ganging up behind his back.

Later, Levi arrives to tell Yolande that Pastor Clayton has been charged on two counts of sexual assault. Yolande then tells Denzel the truth about what happened with Clayton and implores him to accept help too. Will she get through to the troubled teen?

3. Crowded house for Sonia and Reiss?

Reiss gets a call from the care home telling him that Debbie’s fees are overdue. Stressed at how he’s going to raise the cash, Reiss decides to rent out the spare room. Sonia, however, isn’t happy when people interested in the room arrive at the house. Reiss finally opens up about his worries, and Sonia assures him that they’ll find a way without taking in a lodger. Later, Reiss is relieved when someone in the Square offers him a lifeline.

4. Stevie’s final goodbye?

Now the secrets from the past have been revealed, Stevie apologises to Billy and Teddy and begs them to hear him out before he leaves Walford. Later, a confrontation with Phil leads Stevie to ask Mo if she can do him a favour. Before he leaves, Stevie asks Billy if he can say a final goodbye to his grandkids. Will this be the last time they see the grandfather they’ve only just been reunited with?

5. Bobby’s birthday blues

Bobby’s 21st is approaching and his girlfriend Anna wants to give him the perfect celebration. After failing to engage Ian in the idea, she asks Freddie to help her sound out what Bobby might like, but Bobby realises what they’re up to and insists he doesn’t want a fuss. Later, Peter tries to talk to his brother about birthday plans but is left shocked when Bobby admits the reason why he’s in no mood to celebrate.

6. Ian keeps his council

Peter is suspicious when Ian won’t commit to Bobby’s birthday and realises that he’s lying about where he’ll be the following day. After Peter and Cindy confront him, Ian reveals he’s thinking of running for the council again.

Later, Ian reveals he’s off to a leadership course in Manchester, and Cindy is perturbed when he reveals she can’t go with him. But when Peter tells Ian he’s checked with the council and there is no course, will Ian confess what he’s really up to?

7. Phil makes a meal of things

Billy berates Phil after Will reveals that Phil framed Stevie over the stolen charity money. Meanwhile, the theft of his car does nothing to lift Phil’s bad mood. His attitude is soon driving a wedge between him and his family, so when Teddy and Billy organise a family meal, they decide not to invite him. Jay steps in and asks Phil to come along and at the dinner Teddy does make an effort to smooth things over. However, the meal remains tense as Phil mouths off about Stevie, so when Harry makes a jibe about Phil’s missing car, are things about to turn nasty?

8. Teddy turns on the charm

When Harry accidentally spills a drink on Sharon, Teddy grabs the opportunity to ask her out again. She turns him down, but Teddy’s not done yet. Later, he turns up on her doorstep with a new blouse, a bottle of wine and a winning smile. Will Sharon be convinced by his charms?

9. Reiss’s creative accounting

After Sharon offers Reiss work chasing up some outstanding invoices, desperate Reiss works out a way to also line his pockets while calling in the money. However, his guilt kicks in when Sharon, impressed by his efforts, gives him a bit extra for doing the job at short notice. Later, Reiss tells Sonia he has enough to pay Debbie’s care fees. But now he’s turned to the dark side, is there any way back for Reiss?

10. Tommy’s in trouble

Tommy is down and reveals to Kat and Alfie that he doesn’t feel Phil has any interest in him anymore. Later, Kat’s mortified that Tommy is caught shoplifting from the Minute Mart. Jean’s suggestion to Kat that Tommy needs a job to keep him out of trouble soon gives her food for thought.



Amy puts Matty in danger, Moira’s gunning for Samson and Dawn’s in despair… just some of the big stories in our sneak look at next week’s Emmerdale

1. Amy exposes Matty

In prison, Matty is happy his cellmate Les has accepted him as a trans man and tells Amy the good news when she visits. As she’s leaving, Amy is approached by Robbo, who puts on a sympathetic front. Amy wrongly assumes he’s Les and during their conversation she reveals the truth about Matty. When Amy returns home, she happily reports back on Matty’s positive attitude, little knowing what she’s just done…

2. Moira on the warpath!

Shocked to hear that Samson intends to head off on his road trip earlier than planned, Moira vows to stop him. She bursts into Sam and Lydia’s and starts to level accusations against Samson. However, Sam backs his son and after Samson promises he’ll be back in time for Matty’s trial, Sam gives him his blessing to go. It’s clear, however, that Moira isn’t giving up so easily…

3. Dawn loses faith in Billy

Dawn continues to be overprotective over little Evan. She’s upset when the lad spits up his medication while Billy’s looking after him. Soon, it’s clear Dawn is losing all trust in her husband’s abilities to look after their son.

4. Jai won’t accept it’s over

In hospital after her heart attack, Laurel is worried that Jai doesn’t seem to have accepted her decision that she wants to separate. Back at home, Jai tells Gabby he’s going to stay a bit longer for the benefit of the kids. While Jai tries to keep things light in front of the children, Gabby can’t hide her loathing for him. However, Jai is adamant and decides to move into Arthur’s room on Laurel’s return.

5. Danger in prison

Matty is left alone in his cell when Les goes to see his solicitor. However, he soon has company when Robbo arrives. Matty’s blood runs cold when he realises that Robbo has been speaking to Amy. Revealing that he knows the truth, a menacing Robbo closes in on Matty in the cramped cell… Later, Amy starts to worry when she hasn’t heard from Matty.

6. Kim covers for Billy

Needing to blow off some steam, Billy accepts an invite from Nate to go for beers. Later, Nate brings a drunk Billy home, and Kim spots them. Not wanting to upset Dawn, Kim helps cover. Billy feels guilty about his lack of social distancing with Nate, worried about breaking the bubble they’re supposed to be keeping for poorly Evan’s sake .

7. Manpreet opens up to Charles

With the pair still estranged, Manpreet decides to check in on Charles, but as they talk, things remain awkward between them. Putting her cards on the table, Manpreet admits to Charles that she misses him. Will Charles respond to her olive branch and could it be a turning point for the troubled couple?

8. Gail plays peacemaker

Mandy and Rhona are still at loggerheads following their recent bust-up on a double date with Paddy and Marlon, so Gail decides to play peacemaker. She soon orchestrates a get together to try and get the pair on better terms, but will her interference really mend their differences – or will she end up only making things worse?

9. Kim feels pushed out 

Worried about Evan’s cough Dawn takes him to hospital and, overcome by her concerns, she forgets Clemmie’s birthday. Rose springs into action and successfully pulls off a spontaneous birthday party for the little girl, leaving Dawn and Will both grateful for her help. Kim, however, feels pushed out in her own home as Rose basks in her praise.

10. Lydia’s suspicious mind…

When Samson has a wobble about continuing to lie to the police, Josh threatens the lad. Lydia is watching the boys from afar and their interaction piques her interest. Later, she meets up with Moira, who implores her to help with the Matty situation. Is Lydia starting to realise that Samson isn’t being entirely truthful?

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