Fri. Oct 18th, 2024
alert-–-woman-beating-banker-jonathan-kaye’s-neighbor-yells-‘your-father-is-disgusting’-as-kids-are-seen-going-into-his-home-as-posh-brooklyn-neighborhood-eruptsAlert – Woman-beating banker Jonathan Kaye’s neighbor yells ‘your father is disgusting’ as kids are seen going into his home as posh Brooklyn neighborhood erupts

Neighbors of an investment banker filmed punching a woman in the face were heard hurling insults at a young man and woman entering his posh Park Slope townhouse Tuesday.

The neighbor, Christine Doyle, previously panned puncher Jonathan Kaye, 52, and his family as antisocial in an interview with, and made those feelings known as the unknown pair arrived at the $4million four-bedroom.  

‘You’re father is disgusting – you better move. You’re disgusting. You’re father’s a b*tch,’ the woman snarled, as the male member of the party first flipped paparazzi flocked outside before frantically fumbling with his set of keys.

Both he and his companion wore surgical masks and sunglasses – but at least one of their identities was no lost on the neighbor, audibly irate over now viral footage of the attack at Brooklyn’s Pride parade Saturday night.

‘You’ve been the worst neighbors all these years,’ she continued, as the two turned their backs while attempting to gain entry. ‘You’re father is going to jail. You make me sick.’

The verbal onslaught concluded when the duo finally got through the door, but earlier in the day, residents of the ritzy enclave exhibited similar disgust.

Speaking to, one neighbor said: ‘I can’t believe this is in my neighborhood! When are they going to come and arrest him?’

Doyle, meanwhile, added of the Moelis & Company Managing Director and his clan: ‘Everyone else here says hello to their neighbors,’

‘They say nothing. They’re really insular.

‘We all know each other. But these guys have never been friendly.’

She spoke as a poster shaming his actions was erected not far away, complete with the bigshot’s phone number and the full address of his luxurious brownstone home

‘They never care when you say something to them,’ she continued of Kaye, hours after company, a leading investment bank with offices in Midtown, confirmed to that he was involved and they were looking into the incident.

‘They think they are above everything,’ Doyle continued, angered like so many others by the circulating footage.

‘He leaves in his big black car at 6am every morning. Whatever he is doing, I’ve always said it’s the devil’s work.’

That routine presumably changed Tuesday, with Doyle revealing how she has yet to see her increasingly hated neighbor since the Saturday night incident.

When asked what she would say to him, the woman proclaimed: ‘Please leave this neighborhood because men who punch women are not welcome here.’

Kaye was recorded throwing a vicious overhand right at an unnamed woman during the borough’s Pride Parade in the neighborhood Saturday. 

The woman is seen being thrown to the floor by the force of the punch, though it is unclear what sparked the confrontation.

Others looking on are heard calling Kaye an ‘a**hole’ and telling him to ‘go f**k himself’ – earning his attention briefly before he abruptly walks away.

The footage, meanwhile, is short and shaky, but includes a moment where Kaye turns to the camera after knocking the woman to the floor.

Kaye walks off, holding a bag in one hand, with a wet stain on the back of his blazer.

In one clip containing a caption overlaid over the footage, a user wrote: ‘This guy punched me in the face today and broke my nose. [He also] busted up my friends[sic] arm… can anyone find him?’

A spokesperson for his employer confirmed to that Kaye is the man seen in the viral video, and said that it has already spurred an investigation.

‘We have become aware that one of our employees was involved in a serious incident in Brooklyn on June 8,’ a Moelis representative said, as the 12-second snippet continues to gain traction online.

‘We take this matter very seriously and are conducting an investigation,’ she added.

The context of the punch-up is still unclear.

As mentioned, Kaye works as a Managing Director at the firm, one of the city’s top investment banks.

The NYPD has said they are also aware of the viral video, but added that no one has filed a police report regarding it.

Outrage over the attack, meanwhile, continues to fester, as insiders close to the banker insisted to Tuesday that the viral clip did not capture the full story of the clash.

They claimed it began when a group of four female ‘Queers for Palestine’ supporters started taunting Kaye as he returned from dinner. Kaye is Jewish.

He is said to have responded by telling the group they were ‘on the wrong side’, leading the women to supposedly gang up on him, the source said.

‘You could say that he initiated it, but he didn’t,’ a source told 

‘He just said “you are on the wrong side”, and then the four of them came at him – they threw liquids at him. He didn’t know what the liquid was. They were shouting slurs at him.

‘He fell or he was chest bumped, and can’t remember that bit. But he ended up on the pavement with them four over him.

‘He got up and swung at one as he was trying to escape, and then he ran.’

They also claim that the footage shows Kaye covered in liquid, with a stain on his back, in the now-viral video.

Pictures obtained by show Kaye’s clothes soaked in a red liquid, which he believes was Gatorade, and blood pooling around his ankle after he was shoved to the floor.

Others added how Kaye lives his wife and kids in the posh residence, while also owning multiple properties on the street, which he rents out to neighbors.

One said she was ‘shocked’ when she saw the footage this morning, adding that the father-of-three always seemed ‘normal’, although she normally spoke with his wife.

Another neighbor described scenes of chaos on the usually quiet street last night, as the victim’s friends ran up and down screaming that Kaye had assaulted a woman. 

Kaye had barricaded himself in his home Monday morning, and an unknown man wearing a hoodie and sunglasses skulked into the property.

He said he did not live there, but did not say what he was doing.

Kaye, moreover, oversees 10 verticals within Moelis’s Business Services faction, managing ‘a dedicated team of bankers and… an extensive network of relationships with both strategic companies and private equity investors,’ according to his profile on the firm’s website.


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