Fri. Oct 18th, 2024
alert-–-baltimore-mayor-brandon-scott-claims-dei-label-is-being-weaponized-by-racists-‘who-don’t-have-the-courage-to-say-the-n-word’-and-warns-‘they-should-be-afraid’Alert – Baltimore Mayor Brandon Scott claims DEI label is being weaponized by racists ‘who don’t have the courage to say the n-word’ and warns ‘they should be afraid’

Racists have started using DEI as a put-down for any successful black person because they are too cowardly to use the N-word anymore, the Mayor of Baltimore has claimed.

Brandon Scott was elected to the city’s top job in 2020 but has been routinely attacked by opponents online as a DEI (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion) appointment, despite winning 70 percent of the vote.

The mayor, who has won plaudits for his handling of Tuesday’s Francis Scott Key Bridge collapse, warned that the term is being weaponized by the far-right as just the latest racist euphemism.

‘We know what they want to say but they don’t have the courage to say the N-word,’ he told Joy Reid on MSNBC’s morning show.

‘I know and you know that black men and young black men in particular have been the boogeymen and for those who are racist and think only straight wealthy white men should have a say in anything.’

X owner Elon Musk retweeted the spurious claim by one of his favorite far-right accounts helping it to 25 million views before undoing his retweet as the backlash gathered

X owner Elon Musk retweeted the spurious claim by one of his favorite far-right accounts helping it to 25 million views before undoing his retweet as the backlash gathered 

Baltimore Mayor Brandon Scott was elected to his office with 70 per cent of the vote in 2020

Baltimore Mayor Brandon Scott was elected to his office with 70 per cent of the vote in 2020 

DEI initiatives seek to increase the number of people from under-represented ethnic groups in the workforce.

But they have come under fire from states across the country who argue that they amount to reverse discrimination against better qualified candidates.

Some have labelled it an acronym for ‘Didn’t Earn It’, but Mayor Scott said that in his case it stands for ‘Duly Elected Incumbent’.

‘The fact that I don’t believe in their untrue and wrong ideology and the fact that I am very proud of my heritage and who I am and where I come from scares them,’ he added.

‘Because me being in my position means that their way of thinking, their way of life being comfortable while everyone else suffers is going to be at risk and they should be afraid because that is my purpose in life.’

One far-right account received 25 million views for a tweet labeling Scott ‘Baltimore’s DEI mayor’ after it was retweeted by X owner Elon Musk.

‘It’s going to get so, so much worse. Prepare accordingly.’ the poster wrote.

Musk later undid his retweet after a furious backlash from platform users, and a ‘community note’ was added, clarifying that: ‘Brandon Scott was elected as Mayor of Baltimore in 2020 with > 70% of the vote. He did not come into office through any DEI practices, appointments, etc.’

Scott poses for a photo during the 2021 Preakness horse racing festival

Scott poses for a photo during the 2021 Preakness horse racing festival 

National Transport Safety Bureau investigators were back on board the stricken Dali container ship on Wednesday as two more bodies were recovered in the search for the construction workers who were killed when the vessel collided on Tuesday

National Transport Safety Bureau investigators were back on board the stricken Dali container ship on Wednesday as two more bodies were recovered in the search for the construction workers who were killed when the vessel collided on Tuesday

Scott told MSNBC host Joy Reid 'We have come a long way, and we have a long way to go'

Scott told MSNBC host Joy Reid ‘We have come a long way, and we have a long way to go’

Scott effectively won Baltimore’s mayoral election in June 2020 when he secured the Democratic nomination for the role in a city where Democrats outnumber Republicans ten to one.

He ran a campaign focused on youthful energy, progressive ideas and experience, and pledged to tackle longstanding challenges in the city such as gun violence and substance abuse.

A city councilman since 2011, he emerged victorious from a field that included more than 20 Democrats, including incumbent Mayor Bernard C. ‘Jack’ Young and former Mayor Sheila Dixon, leaving him at 36 one of the youngest city mayors in the US.

But during his term in office he has endured rape threats against his mother and graffiti on a city bus threatening to hang him.

His announcement last year that he was expecting a child with fiancée Hana Pugh prompted some to denounce him as ‘just a thug’, and creating ‘one more Baltimore illegitimate black baby’.

Prominent Republicans including Ron DeSantis, and Texas Governor Greg Abbott have passed laws preventing state money being used on DEI initiatives with the Florida Governor branding them ‘woke indoctrination’.

But some on the right leapt in to defend Scott against claims he is a beneficiary of the system.

‘This is an ugly racist tweet,’ posted former Republican congressman Joe Walsh.

Claims that Scott was a DEI appointment sparked a furious response online

Claims that Scott was a DEI appointment sparked a furious response online 

‘I have all sorts of problems with DEI ideology and DEI practice. But if these dumbasses are going to simply use DEI as a synonym for ‘black’ then count me out. This is so monstrously stupid and offensive, ‘ added Jonah Goldberg.

‘Anyone who substitutes the word ‘DEI’ for ‘Black’ in order to engage in racist tropes is a racist,’ tweeted New York Congressman Ritchie Torres.

‘Anyone who substitutes the word ‘Zionist’ for ‘Jew’ in order to engage in anti-Semitic tropes is an anti-Semite.’

‘Please be aware of why Black people cannot be convinced racism is a thing of the past. Exhibit 985,576,342…’ added Monique Pressley.

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